Tips On How To Succeed In a Long Distance Relationship

4 min


The majority of people think that being in a long-distance relationship is a waste of time because it is not going to work at all. You do not know your partner as you would do if you were near one another. The people around you give advice because they want you to be happy, and they do not understand this kind of relationship. Your family and your best friend might tell you to get out of this relationship before you invest in something that is going to crash and before you start getting hurt.
Literally, everyone is telling you, you are pushing yourself up for heartbreak and so you have to move on from this story.

There is a pinch of truth in what they say. A long-distance relationship is not easy, you do not know so well your partner. There might be a lot of issues such as lack of trust, lack of security, etc.
But let’s think positively. Every couple, even regular couples, has a lot of problems between them, and the major part fails. The important thing in a relationship is to not take anything for granted.
You do not know what the future is going to bring you, so catch the moment and enjoy every story you start. Love is one of the best emotions life brings to us, so you should be willing to take a chance.

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A long-distance relationship has its bright side too. Couples in a long-distance relationship tend to be more grateful, respectful, and appreciative of everything. They know so well that finding just a bit of time passing together is a luxury, so they never took this for granted. They always try to find the time to talk and be with you, even for 1 minute. These moments are sacred.

But there are a lot of difficulties too. There are a lot of uphill climbs these couples have to face.
We are going to share with you some tips that you should keep in mind if you really want your relationship to work.

1. Do not put too much pressure on yourselves to communicate all the time. Give one another space and time. Even talking once a day, is enough for you to talk about your lives. Do not be excessive and just downright unhealthy.

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2. Take this time of your relationship as an experience that can make you learn something. See it as a test for both of you. If you are able to overcome this phase, then you are going to be able to cross every difficulty that comes your way.

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3. You always put some rules in your relationship, so you are going to be able to manage your expectations as a couple. You should always communicate with each other about the way you feel, what you think, and your emotions. Furthermore, you should be sincere with one another. Even when you feel sand and unfulfilled, speak up with your partner.

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4. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways of communication. You can send simple text messages on the phone, or you can daily phone each other or the best way is to video call, so you can see and listen to your partner.
You can also follow the old style by writing emails, so you can break the routine sometimes. The point is to be creative and fun.

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5. Avoid uncomfortable situations. If your partner doesn’t like certain things, just do them. Do not stay out too late at night with your friends if he does to like it. This does not mean that he is controlling your life, it is just a matter of avoiding unnecessary conflict.

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6. Try to do things together to stimulate a sense of connection in your relationship. Try to learn new hobbies that can involve both of you. For example, you can read the same books, watch the same movies, do the same sport and do some other things you both like.

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7. Always find the time to visit one another or do a trip together. Of course, there are a few things to consider such as finding the right time for both of you and the finance, but if you want you always can find the right way to do the important things for you. And you should see each other whenever the opportunity presents itself.

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8. Always keep your goal in mind and do not lose your focus. Remember that you are working to get things better and stronger. Embrace the difference, and the routine, and keep on working towards the future that you both want for your relationship.

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9. Always Stay honest and sincere with one another. It is very easy to lie to your partner, even a little white lie to cover up unimportant things, but please do not. Resist. A healthy relationship is not based on lies.

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