Today’s society is directing more towards click-catching news and the ones that will keep the audience interested through bad and sometimes evil news. Waking up in the morning every day and seeing always articles about all the bad things that may happen in the world, might make people feel depressed and increase their anxiety because of the negative things he sees every day. We need to start sharing the other side of every story not only the one we are interested in.
We at ”i Meet the eye” are about to share with you some heart-melting stories shared by people on social media to cheer you up and make you feel better.
1. Anybody who works hard for their family is a superhero!

2. You are not alone and you will never be!

3. They both deserve the best teacher of the year award, great job guys!

4. A great way to use your money properly and don’t waste it, I bet they loved this gesture.

5. What a wonderful selfless young man!

6. This is adorably innocent and sweet but also a reminder to tell us that being rude and bad is something you learn not something you are born with.

7. You have more to show to our world girl go and take what is yours.

8. She invented the Legos for grown-ups

9. He saved all those lives and deserves every honor because he was a hero.

10. The press always tries to say something bad about bikers but on many occasions, they have shown to be very friendly and good people.

11. I salute you, my fellow brother.

12. He looks so happy and proud of himself.

13. There always will be good people out there with great hearts.

14. We all need a Bill in our lives, keep it up Bill you are a great man.

15. This is so sweet and this girl is going places.

16. He was abandoned by his people because they thought he was a witch, but how can somebody that small and innocent harm anyone? Thank God he was saved in time.

17. There is nothing you can do about your past but there is a chance to do something about your future.

18. No one is perfect and 100% good that’s why we are humans, We learn and grow from our mistakes.

19. You are an amazing person to provide this girl a chance to have her own loving family.

20. Happy Birthday Daniel, we might be a bit late but we hope you consider us your friends too!

21. Damn onion cutting Ghosts!

22. This man is ready to achieve everything he loves in his life.

23. They made it!

24. Wow that is quite a coincidence.

25. A perfect family heirloom.