Bonnie James is a 23 years old girl and a plus-size model. Lately, she is receiving a lot of negative comments and messages from strangers who don’t even know her. But she is a smart girl and doesn’t let these comments ruin her life and carrier. She has learned to accept her body and herself for what she is and ignore the haters.
On social media, she shares only good vibes and positive messages.
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Bonnie’s idol is Jane Fonda. She was a sex symbol in the 60s and 70s, and she used to use her voice and power to speak and protect social justice. People who react to online hate are much stronger than the people who spread hate.
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But she is not the only one receiving all this hate. A lot of other influencers and models or girls in the feminist movement receive such hate, abusive messages but these girls succeeded to change this kind of hate.
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It is so normal that everyone has their opinion, and we can not please everyone, but we should be very careful when we write our comments. You not always should follow the rules, sometimes breaking them is a sign of intelligence and courage. So, if you have an opinion or an idea, you should speak it, and do not be afraid of people’s comments and negativity.

Bonnie in this period has had an amazing relationship with her body and self-esteem. When she was younger, she was not confident with her body and she had negative thoughts about herself. She was aware and had no self-confidence. But now, she is all grown up girl with a lot of courage and is in love with herself.
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